Please find below Grove Medical Practice’s Frequently asked questions.
For more questions, please visit the St Ives PCN website Frequently Asked Questions page.
1. How do I make a routine appointment to see a doctor?
We offer routine appointments for non-urgent problems (including follow-ups) which can be booked through our online portal KLINIK.
If all routine appointments are booked at the time of your request, you will be added to a waiting list. We will let you know and arrange your appointment as soon as it becomes available.
2. How do I make an urgent (same day) appointment to see a Doctor?
These appointments can be booked through our online portal KLINIK
3. How can I see a nurse or a member of the Nursing Team? (e.g. for wound dressing or blood test)
You can request a nurse appointment through our online portal KLINIK
Depending on the type of appointment you need, your appointment may be with a Healthcare Assistant or a GP Assistant. When you request an appointment, we will ask what type of appointment you need and arrange it with the most appropriate member of our team.
Our Practice is supported by West Cambs GP Federation who provide additional appointments. Some of these appointments are for treatment room services (such as dressings and other Nurse or HCA-led appointments). These appointments are available locally and we may offer you an appointment in one of these clinics.
4. Can you give me advice on my medication?
Our Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technician can provide advice on your medication. To request medication advice, use the online portal KLINIK. Clinical Pharmacists also complete our medication reviews.
5. What is the best way to find out my test results?
The best way is via the NHS App. It’s quick and easy to sign up and further information about how to do this can be found on the St Ives PCN website. Once access is approved, you will then be able to see your results. You can also submit a request through our online portal for information about your results or speak to Reception.
6. Can I still ring for an appointment?
We will always be here to support patients who prefer to speak to us in person or by telephone and the same services can still be accessed this way. The NHS wants all GPs to increase the services they provide online. This may be via the NHS App, the practice website or via an online portal (KLINIK). Encouraging those who can use online services to contact us online, frees up our telephone lines and reception desk for those patients who cannot.