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Grove Medical Practice
Cromwell Place
St Ives
PE27 5JD
Telephone: 01480 462206

My repeat prescription has not updated online after my review

Repeat Prescriptions - University Health Service

We have received a few queries over the last couple of weeks from patients who have mentioned that their repeat prescription has not updated after their medication review has taken place.  This means that when they log-in to SystmOnline or use the NHS App they are still seeing their “old” list of repeat medication.  Understandably, this can lead to some patients feeling that changes to their medication that we have discussed and agreed during their appointment have not been made and that their prescription may not be correct when then come to order it next.

We raised this with SystmOne who have advised the following:-

Any medication changes made at the time of the appointment have been saved by the system.  The list of repeat medications that the patient sees when they log-in to SystmOnline or use the NHS App will only update to the new list once the first existing medication reaches its repeat order window.  For Grove Medical Practice, this is set to 10 days in advance.  This means that the full list of medications will update for the patient once their first medication reaches its order date.  No further actions are needed by the patient or the practice, as the medication list will update as soon as the first item becomes due.

Many Thanks

Grove Medical Practice