Phone lines open 8am –  6pm
Click here for opening hours

Grove Medical Practice
Cromwell Place
St Ives
PE27 5JD
Telephone: 01480 462206

Welcome to Cerianne Martin – our new Paramedic Practitioner

We are delighted to welcome Cerianne Martin to our Team as our new Paramedic Practitioner.

Cerianne works alongside our Duty Doctor and Advanced Care and Paramedic Practitioners as part of our Duty Team and supports patients with requests that may need help or support that day, or within the next few days.

Cerianne is an experienced Paramedic Practitioner and started her paramedic career in Johannesburg over 13 years ago.   Four countries and many experiences later, Cerianne and her family are now settled in beautiful Cambridgeshire.

Cerianne has a passion for learning and for making a positive difference to patient journeys and is a volunteer with a community support group on some of her days off.  The rest of the time – and when not with the family and running around after her two children (three cats, a rabbit and a snake), Cerianne can be found spending time in the garden and exploring new places.

Welcome Cerianne.